Madiha Zahrah Choksi
PhD Student
Madiha is a Ph.D. student in the department of Computing and Information Science. Her work focuses on topics at the intersection of technology, privacy, and law, with a focus on information governance. Specifically, she explores how online communities use technical and legal affordances to express and enact their values, with an emphasis on privacy and openness.
Madiha has conducted qualitative and quantitative work investigating how communities with shared experiences (students forced to work with highly surveillant ed-tech tools during the COVID-19 pandemic), shared interests (geographically disparate topical Facebook groups), or shared real-world networks (local community groups on nextdoor) develop, change, and enforce their norms.
At Cornell Tech, Madiha is advised by Helen Nissenbaum and James Grimmelmann.
Website: madihaz.com