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Read more about the former fellows, visitors, and members of DLI:

Ellen Abrams
Ellen Abrams

DLI Visiting Fellow

Chirag Arora
Chirag Arora

Visiting PhD Researcher

Sep-Dec 2019

Marianne Aubin Le Quere
Marianne Aubin Le Quere

DLI Doctoral Fellow

Ero Balsa
Ero Balsa

DLI Postdoctoral Fellow

Elettra Bietti
Elettra Bietti

DLI Postdoctoral Fellow

Silvia A. Carretta
Silvia A. Carretta

DLI Visiting Fellow

A. Feder Cooper
A. Feder Cooper

DLI Doctoral Fellow

Erica Du
Erica Du

Research Fellow


Phillip Ellison
Phillip Ellison

DLI Civic Innovation Fellow

MC Forelle
MC Forelle

DLI Visiting Fellow

Diana Freed
Diana Freed

DLI Doctoral Fellow


Jake Goldenfein
Jake Goldenfein

Research Fellow

2018 - 2020

Sharon Heung
Sharon Heung

DLI Doctoral Fellow

Maggie Jack
Maggie Jack

DLI Visiting Fellow

Yan Ji
Yan Ji

DLI Doctoral Fellow

Kowe Kadoma
Kowe Kadoma

DLI Doctoral Fellow

Amritansh Kwatra
Amritansh Kwatra

DLI Doctoral Fellow

Cindy Lin
Cindy Lin

DLI Visiting Fellow

Ilan Mandel
Ilan Mandel

DLI Doctoral Fellow

Mason Marks
Mason Marks

Research Fellow

Aug-Dec 2018

Dan Adler
Dan Adler

DLI Doctoral Fellow

Jacopo Arpetti
Jacopo Arpetti

Visiting PhD Researcher

July-Oct 2018

Eugene Bagdasaryan
Eugene Bagdasaryan

DLI Doctoral Fellow


Sebastian Benthall
Sebastian Benthall

Research Fellow


Robyn Caplan
Robyn Caplan

DLI Visiting Fellow

Qianxun (Sally) Chen
Qianxun (Sally) Chen

Visiting Research Fellow


Ahana Datta
Ahana Datta

DLI Visiting Fellow

Yaël Eisenstat
Yaël Eisenstat

DLI Visiting Fellow


Corin Faife
Corin Faife

Peggy J. Koenig Civic Innovation Fellow

Laura Forlano
Laura Forlano

Visiting Research Faculty


Thomas Krendl Gilbert
Thomas Krendl Gilbert

DLI Postdoctoral Fellow

Ricardo Gonzalez
Ricardo Gonzalez

DLI Doctoral Fellow

Yiqing Hua
Yiqing Hua

Doctoral Fellow


Maurice Jakesch
Maurice Jakesch

Doctoral Fellow


Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson

DLI Civic Innovation Fellow

Jenny Kennedy
Jenny Kennedy

DLI Visiting Fellow

Chine Labbé
Chine Labbé

DLI Visiting Journalist

Nathaniel Lubin
Nathaniel Lubin

DLI Visiting Fellow

Enguerrand Marique
Enguerrand Marique

Visiting PhD Researcher

Mar-Jun 2019

Lee McGuigan
Lee McGuigan

DLI Postdoctoral Fellow

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