Speed Conference 2018
Program subject to change
Friday 28 September
Autonomous Vehicles
Wendy Ju Cornell Tech
Helen Nissenbaum Cornell Tech
Content Moderation
James Grimmelmann Cornell Tech
Kate Klonick St. John’s University Law School
Jason Farman University of Maryland, College Park
Mike Ananny University of Southern California
Panel 1
Panel 2
Saturday 29 September
Panel 3
Panel 4
Panel 5
Panel 6
Conference Program
Some conference presenters have provided position papers with detail about their work. Click on the talk title to view a paper, where available. Video recordings of some presentations are also available (marked in
Friday 28 September
Video Recording Available | September 28 Afternoon Presentations >
2.00pm​ ––––– "Fast, Cheap, & Out of Control"
Why Speed?
Helen Nissenbaum Cornell Tech
Theatre of the Future: Autonomous Vehicles as a Test Case for Designing for Speed
Wendy Ju Cornell Tech
Andrea Matwyshyn Northeastern University
3.45pm​ ––––– Content Moderation
Halfway Around the Internet: Moderation in the Age of Memes
James Grimmelmann Cornell Tech
Kate Klonick St. John’s University Law School
A History of the Instant in Media and Message Exchange
Jason Farman University of Maryland, College Park
Public Pauses: Sociotechnical Dynamics of Temporal Whitespace in the Networked Press
Mike Ananny University of Southern California
Saturday 29 September
Video Recording Available | September 29 Morning Presentations >
9.30am​ ––––– Warfare and Policing
Speed, Stability, and Fragility in Military Arms Races
Frank Pasquale University of Maryland
Speed Kills: Time, Space, and Meaningful Human Control in Autonomous Weapons
Peter Asaro The New School
The Influence of Speed on Human Decision Biases in Supervising & Designing Autonomy
Mary “Missy” Cummings Duke University
11.15am​ ––––– "With All Deliberate Speed"
Fast, Slow, and In Between: Speed & its Discontents
Steven Jackson Cornell University
Flow Control: Internet Traffic Management & the Uneven Distribution of Delay
Fenwick McKelvey Concordia University
Desirable Inefficiency
Paul Ohm & Jonathan Frankle Georgetown University Law Center
Video Recording Available | September 29 Afternoon Presentations >
2.00pm ––––– Labor and Manufacturing
Fast Labor and Faster Machines in the Gig Economy
Argyri Panezi Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society
The Problem with Digital Market Perfection
Rory Van Loo Boston University School of Law
3.00pm ––––– Finance
Man vs. Machine: The Past and Future of Human Collaboration
with Machines in Financial Markets
Simona Abis Columbia University
High Speed Trading Algorithms & Human Manipulations:
Agency & Accountability in Complex Financial Markets
Katie Brennan SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Speed II: Have We Reached a Tipping Point?
Larry Tabb TABB Group
Speed and Reliability: Cryptocurrency’s Irreconcilable Opposites?
Michael O’Connor Penn State
Speed 2018 is generously supported with a gift from Microsoft Corporation.

28-29 Sep 2018