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DLI Civic Innovation Fellowships 

The Digital Life Initiative at Cornell Tech supports research and teaching in ethics, politics, policy, and quality of life in digital societies. To connect its mission with like-minded individuals and groups in New York City, working to promote the public interest and quality of life in and through digital systems, we have created DLI Civic Innovation Fellowships!


Applicants from all fields and backgrounds, studying the impacts of digital technologies, developed and used by private and governmental actors on the lives and well being of NYC residents are invited to apply. With equal interest, we welcome applicants who, themselves, are engaged in creating and advocating for digital systems that promote the betterment of civic life and quality of life.  


We are eager to engage on issues and projects of mutual interest, particularly, those that forge bridges between academic research and well-being of local communities. Collaborative projects could include research and development, convening of events, assembling of community- focused informational resources, and other ideas for uniting City, Community, and Cornell experts in furtherance of the public interest. 


The goal of the Fellowship is to create opportunities for engagement with experts in the DLI and Cornell Tech community of scholars, through access to Cornell Tech spaces, people, and resources. Fellows are also welcome to attend as many DLI events and meetings – internal and public facing –  as their schedules allow. As part of the Fellowship, the DLI will provide a budget of $5,000 to assist the Fellow with their project.


To apply, please complete the application form at this link. The application will request: 


  • A current resume or CV

  • A cover letter that describes your interest in the Civic Innovation Fellowship, a rough outline of the project(s) you would like to propose, and how that project would benefit from involvement with the DLI. (We understand that projects may evolve along the way.)

  • Names and contact information of two recommenders who can speak to your experience, past research or civic engagement, or capacity to lead a collaborative project


If you have questions, please contact us at digitallife@cornell.edu.

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